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Small briefing on how to get your body toned for females

 Legs – Jogging is often recommended, however, a brisk walk can be just as effective over time. Step ups and climbing stairs help tone your body.
Butt – Nothing is probably better than doing squats to tone body glutes. Adding some weights while doing squats is even more beneficial. but walking up flights of stairs does wonders as well a combination of both you will love the results
Thighs - Lunges, leg raises, and squats again. You can stand up, holding on to a chair, and raise first the right and then the left leg out to the side of your body. Try to hold it there for a few seconds.
Abs - You can also tone body areas and tighten up those stomach muscles by lying on the floor, and raising both legs, or one at a time, holding for a few seconds and repeat. This is great exercise for strengthening your back, as well. 



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